New posts in tuning

Exhausting Linux machine TCP socket limit (~70k)?

Nginx & Passenger - failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream

Red Hat Linux tuning for a single application with a few TCP clients [closed]

Picking the right innodb_buffer_pool_size

ext3 file system performance tuning: what metrics to monitor

Apache2 PHP Site - Hitting MaxClients limit - diagnosing?

Tuning Linux's IPv6 stack

Postfix seems too aggressive while sending newsletters

How to best tune a Windows development machine?

Assigning Processes to CPU Cores

kjournald reasons for high usage

How to fine-tune our MySQL server?

Why would a heavily disk intensive application run faster on a SAN than on a Physical Disk?

Apache performance issue, after "1000 total children" Apache no longer responds to HTTP requests. Not MaxClients issue?

What value of thread_cache_size should I use?

Need to increase nginx throughput to an upstream unix socket -- linux kernel tuning?

How to identify I/O bottlenecks on a Linux server?

MySQL lowering wait_timeout value to lower number of open connections

What limits the maximum number of connections on a Linux server?