New posts in performance-monitoring

How to monitor NFS load from userland?

Cacti Graphing incorrect load averages

Audit CPU and memory usage for cron jobs

Windows: How to determine the cause of heavy disk use

Using Powershell to get a group of specific perfmon counters

How can I create an event trace with logman.exe on W2K8?

How to get alert while CPU overused?

Does Performance Monitor create any load on monitored system?

Monitor and graph CPU usage per process and per thread

Real-time IIS monitoring

How to tell a Performance Monitor Data Collector Set to regularly generate Reports?

Get the average execution time of all select queries

Resource Monitor - Disk - Response Time

Reducing idle CPU usage of Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Core VM

What performance counter is used to display total RAM usage on a Windows 2008 server?

Sort Active Processes in Unix

How can I tell which page is creating a high-CPU-load httpd process?

How do get apache display url request in Top and PS?

Very active database with high % disk times

Nagios plugin to take process snapshot when load is high