New posts in text-processing

How does this 'sed' substitution command with lots of @ signs work?

Create directories with a name from txt file which contain '/' character

Concatenate two files and separate them with a newline

How to extract certain data from a line

How can I get lines where a specific word is repeated exactly N times?

searching for specialized patterns using grep in a json file

shell replace cr\lf by comma

How do you append the first pattern of a regular expression to the end of a line using sed?

How can I use the grep --color command to highlight brackets?

How to pass list of names to be searched by grep using xargs?

How to grep same strings by comparing two files

How to only remove duplicate lines if they're immediately after each other in the file

Combine two files with awk

How can I remove rest of file from string for all files?

How to use sort on an awk print command?

Why is sed not working?

Find IDs in one file that are not in another

Shorten lines, adding "..." ellipsis

How to replace text randomly from file?

How to multiply a .txt data file by a constant number?