New posts in text-editor

What text editor is available in Heroku bash shell? [closed]

Tool for viewing LibreOffice Writer files in terminal window

How to set working/current directory in Vim?

How to create a file with the following structure?

How to edit multi-gigabyte text files? Vim doesn't work =( [closed]

Is there a markdown "rich text" editor?

Save an edited file in nano, but no permissions

How to delete selected text in nano editor? [duplicate]

Change the default editor for files opened in the terminal? (e.g. set it to TextEdit/Coda/Textmate)

Multiple select in Visual Studio?

True column-mode (block-selection and editing) text editor solution?

How to delete selected text in the vi editor

Magnification glass doesn't come up anymore when moving text cursor?

macOS keyboard shortcut for correcting misspelled words?

Simplest way to capture "keystroke representation" to clipboard

Will Emacs make me a better programmer? [closed]

How to setup a specific application to open all files with unknown extension

How to prevent Script Editor from scrolling (and losing cursor location) on compile?

Centre, left and right align text in GIMP

Text editor that updates file without prompting