New posts in nano

Getting nano nanorc settings to work with "sudo nano" command

Extend nano menu

How to install nano on boot2docker

How can I enable syntax highlighting in a Python file without an extension?

Where is the nano file located? [duplicate]

Updating to latest nano text editor

Setting permanent export EDITOR to nano for all future sessions [duplicate]

How to commit a change in git when git commit opens Nano?

Editing with nano, Alt is caught by the window menus, how can I fix that?

nano M-A hotkey

Can I enable bracket matching in nano?

No such file or directory when trying to create a file with nano

How to install the nano CLI editor on Windows 10?

How to copy and paste selected text in nano on a Mac?

My nano editor can't read tags?

Accidentally added a character outside of a comment in sudo file on Mac, sudo not working any more

Why was the nano that was installed manually not colored?

Editor for 'git bash' on Windows (editor for mingw/msys+mintty)?

How to exit with an error code from nano?

Ubuntu terminal cant type special characters like backslash (\), slash(/), semicolon (:), etc properly