New posts in text-editor

Unable to edit /etc/apt/sources.list file

Which text editor has better OSX support, TextMate, or Sublime Text 2

Change highlight colour in Sublime Text 2

Notepad++: How to automatically set Language as Xml when load files

Text Editor which shows \r\n? [closed]

Is there a simple text editor (like gedit) with options to make text bold?

Elegant way to search for UTF-8 files with BOM?

Open a large XML file

BBEdit - The authenticated save for this file failed (application error code: 20004)

What are some Textmate alternatives that have the completion key feature?

complete, monospaced Unicode font? [closed]

How can I instantly move the cursor to the end of a long document in iOS?

How to run vi on docker container?

Opening a new file in TextMate opens the last opened file as well

Lightweight table editor

Running two apps side by side with preferences?

How to use sidebar with the keyboard in Sublime Text 2 and 3?

OSX: modifying text selection with ⌘⇧→ and ⌘⇧←

IntelliJ IDEA way of editing multiple lines

How to close the search bar of TextEditor?