New posts in swift2

Implicitly lazy static members in Swift

How to use stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters() for a URL in Swift 2.0

How do I declare that a computed property 'throws' in Swift?

Using the split function in Swift 2

Use Swift 2.2 in Xcode 8?

Is it possible to replicate Swifts automatic numeric value bridging to Foundation (NSNumber) for (U)Int8/16/32/64 types?

How can I build a URL with query parameters containing multiple values for the same key in Swift?

Extend array types using where clause in Swift

How to put an image in a Realm database?

How to find file UTI for file, withouth pathExtension, in a path in Swift

Resolving 'Failed to call designated initializer on NSManagedObject class'

Swift 2 - Pattern matching in "if"

When to use inout parameters?

Calling protocol default implementation from regular method

How to print details of a 'catch all' exception in Swift?

How to present view controller from right to left in iOS using Swift

Framework not found GoogleToolboxForMac

How to remove a key-value pair from swift dictionary?

Swift Modal View Controller with transparent background [duplicate]

Open web url link in browser in Swift