Use Swift 2.2 in Xcode 8?

If you want to continue to use Swift 2 in Xcode 8, then use Swift 2.3 by enabling the Use Legacy Swift Language Version build setting (SWIFT_VERSION = 2.3).

Using Swift 2.3 in Xcode 8 by That Thing in Swift provides a good introduction to using Swift 2.3 in Xcode 8.

The following is quoted from the article:

There’s a single build setting that will let you continue building your Swift projects with a Swift version that’s mostly similar in syntax to your existing projects from Xcode 7: Use Legacy Swift Language Version

Just drop into your project’s build settings and search for legacy swift to find the correct build setting, then switch the setting to YES to opt-in to Swift 2.3 rather than Swift 3 in Xcode 8.

enter image description here

It is not possible to use Swift2.2 in XCode8, and it is also not possible to use Swift2.3 or Swift3 in XCode3.

The best solution i found is to create a single project file that will compile for both iOS 9 (Xcode 7) and iOS 10 (Xcode 8), and that will support Swift2.2 and Swift2.3 (very similar).

As one of possible solutions to this problem I could suggest to install two versions of Xcode (7.3.1 and 8, for example) side by side.

To accomplish this you should:

  1. Download suitable dmg file from Downloads for Apple Developers. Use search to find Xcode.
  2. Double click this file to see familiar “Drag to install Xcode in your Applications folder” window. But drag this somewhere else for a moment. Desktop would be good. Rename it to Xcode \number of version\ (like Xcode 7.3.1) and then drag it to Applications folder.

That's it.