New posts in nsurl

Replace occurrences of space in URL

iOS: load an image from url

How to use openURL for making a phone call in Swift?

Objective-C: How to add query parameter to NSURL?

What's the difference between passing false and true to 'resolvingAgainstBaseURL' when initialize a NSURLComponents instance?

How can I build a URL with query parameters containing multiple values for the same key in Swift?

Testing file existence using NSURL

NSURL URLWithString: is null with non-english accented characters

Can I somehow do a synchronous HTTP request via NSURLSession in Swift

UILabel and NSLinkAttributeName: Link is not clickable

openURL: deprecated in iOS 10

OSX Swift open URL in default browser

iPhone - NSData from local file's URL

Parse NSURL query property

How to convert this var string to URL in Swift

URLWithString: returns nil

iOS: Issue with ampersand in the URL string

NSURLErrorDomain error code -999 in iOS

Get parts of a NSURL in objective-c

How to use special character in NSURL?