New posts in supremum-and-infimum

Find the supremum of the following set

Prove that $\inf A = 0$ for $A = \{ m + nx: m,n, \in \mathbb{Z}~\text{and}~m+ nx >0 \}$ with positive irrational $x$.

On an asymptotic improvement of AMM problem 11145 (April 2005)

Definitions of supremum

Proof that $\inf A = \sup B$

$\sup_K |\partial^{\alpha}u|\le C^{|\alpha|+1}\alpha!^s$ then $u$ is analytic for $s\le 1$

Convex function can be written as supremum of some affine functions

Supremum is continuous over equicontinuous family of functions

Why is the lagrange dual function concave?

infimum, supremum of the sequence $\{\sin n\}$

Infimum of a Set Involving Probability

Prove that $Sup(A + B) = Sup(A) + Sup(B)$

Following up with a previous question on $\sup(A)+\sup(B) = \sup(A + B)$

Find the supremum of the set $A=\{\cos(10^n)\mid n\in\mathbb{N} \}$

$\inf$ and $\sup$ of a set given by $\sum\limits_{k=1}^{n}\frac{a_{k}}{a_{k}+a_{k+1}+a_{k+2}}$

Prove that $\sup S \leq \inf T$. [duplicate]

Prove that the sum of the infima is smaller than the infimum of the sum

Show that $\inf(\frac{1}{n})=0$.

If $f$ is continuous on $[a,b]$ and $F(x) = \sup f([a,x])$. Prove that $F$ is continuous on $[a,b]$ . [duplicate]

Example of Erdos-Szekeres bound being tight