New posts in suffixes

Why do some spell checker mark "copiable" as an error?

Why "admit" with T but "admissible" with SS? [duplicate]

Can "-ness" be added to any adjective?

What's up with all the words ending with "-eth" in the Bible? [duplicate]

What is "o-matic"? [closed]

Difference between the use of "resilience" and "resiliency"

Why is the plural of array "arrays" and not "arraies"? [duplicate]

Why does “lineage” retain the "e" when the suffix "-age" is added?

Why did English borrow verbs ending in -ish? [closed]

Do adjectives ending in "-ed" derive from words that were once used as verbs?

in-able ? un-able?

The problem is threefold?

Is "rejectance" a proper / legitimate word?

Difference between "opacity" and "opaqueness"

Pedlar vs. peddler

"Archivable" or "archiveable"

Suffix order: -lessness vs -nessless

Is there a Male suffix equivalent to -et/-ette?

Which spelling is preferred: "retriable" or "retryable"? [duplicate]

If -ment suffix is from Old French, then why does it form nouns instead of adverbs?