New posts in steam-cloud

Transferring saved games between steam accounts

Details about fallout nv savegames and steam (cloud?)

Reset tf2 settings to default and update them in steam cloud

How to continue playing Godus on different Computer?

Studying abroad; Steam saves lost

How do I restore a saved game in Steam?

How can I cancel Steam's cloud sync?

How to delete old DotA 2 item builds created before the guide system?

Can I uninstall my Steam games but still have the save?

How can I get my Steam Cloud saves without installing the game?

Is there a way to turn off Steam cloud saves for all Steam games?

Managing Steam game saves in gaming arcade environment

What does it mean if it shows a question mark over the Steam Cloud icon?

How can I restore my Baldur's Gate 2 EE save games from Steam cloud save?

Syncing multiple Torchlight 2 Characters across multiple computers

How do I clear Steam Cloud Sync files for a specific game?

Can you share save files on Steam Family Share to other accounts?

How much available space per game in the Steam Cloud?

Is there a quick way to delete saves off of the steam cloud?

Can I get my Steam categories back?