How do I clear Steam Cloud Sync files for a specific game?

I have some bad config data stored in Steam Cloud Sync for TF2. I've tried clearing all local files, passing in -autoexec as a launch option, and even doing a complete reinstall of the game and while I can disable Cloud Sync to reset all of my configs, as soon as I turn it back on it downloads my saved config data. I want to be able to clear all of my cloud data and reset it back to the default config.

Is this possible?

Solution 1:

I've had success (different game) in the past with this guide (the Steam app ID for TF2 is 440):

The basic idea is to:

  1. mess up (i.e. empty) the local backup data
  2. start Steam and receive a Sync conflict dialog
  3. delete the local backup data without closing the dialog
  4. resolve the conflict in the dialog by uploading your local (erased) data

I have no Mac experience with it, buy the only Windows-specific details there are the use of PowerShell and the install paths. For step I.2, you can use this (Linux tested) shell command to empty all files in the folder (the install folder is assumed to be correct, but I can't test on Mac to confirm), replacing steam ID with you own (there should be only one folder):

cd "~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/<steam ID>/440/remote"
ls * | xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c "echo '' > {}"

Solution 2:

First of all, download Steam Cloud File Manager Lite (you can find binaries on the releases part of the repository) and extract it somewhere.

After you extract it, make sure steam client is open. After that, open the program and write "440" (or id of the game you want to wipe) in the box in the top.


Once you do that, it'll list all the files in the Steam Cloud of that game. Just click on the files and press delete.