New posts in statistics

Finding the MVUE out of all unbiased estimators $\sum_{i=1}^ka_iW_i$ using Lagrange multiplier [duplicate]

Multivariate time series modelling in R

Prove the Probability of Two Events

Connection between PCA and linear regression

Estimate bias determination

Does variance do any good to gambling game makers?

Can we prove that a fair coin tends to have 50% of relative frequency when number of trials tends to infinity ??

Efficient calculation of matrix cumulative standard deviation in r

Derive unbiased estimator for $\theta$ when $X_i\sim f(x\mid\theta)=\frac{2x}{\theta^2}\mathbb{1}_{(0,\theta)}(x)$

why does scikitlearn says F1 score is ill-defined with FN bigger than 0?

With $n$ balls and $n$ bins, what is the probability that exactly $k$ bins have exactly $1$ ball?

Storing plot objects in a list

A binomial multiplied by a poisson

With a lmer model, can I extract the fitted values of 'y' for the whole model

Mean concentration implies median concentration

What is the probability somebody's birthday is the day before mine?

Why can we linearize the exponential regression?

Can you demystify the Power Law?

Why does $ \operatorname{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 $

Show that $X_0=Y_0$ and that $X_n$ is a martingale.