New posts in static-content

Statically mirroring a heavy trafficked site, CloudFlare as DNS

Do I need to configure SVG images showing in nginx?

Spring-Jersey : How to return static content?

IIS refuses to serve static .gltf files

Tool to create pre-compressed [Brotli] files

Etag configuration with multiple apache servers or CDN / How does Google do ETags?

Alternative to heroku or google app engine for static files

Optimum way to serve 70,000 static files (jpg)?

Nginx sending 2 Cache-Control headers

Django doesn't find CSS files for admin pages using uWSGI

How to do static content in Rails?

Forcing Nginx to send Content-Length headers when serving static files with gzip

How do I use Spring Boot to serve static content located in Dropbox folder?

Serving Static Content with Apache2

Serve millions of concurrent connections and static files?

What's the best way to create a static backup of a website?

Serve static content using docker + nginx + php-fpm

apache2 mod_deflate static content

Apache serving static files within VirtualHost

Reverse proxy application and its static files with Nginx