New posts in starcraft-protoss

Can you find a replay that defends against a well executed proxy rush on Blistering Sands?

When is an Archon better than two Dark Templars?

How do I effectively counter a cannon rush with Zerg?

What protoss unit can transport others?

What is the best Protoss counter for mass Stalkers?

Why no Disruptors on top-tier SC2 late game PvZ?

Effective use of Sentry in Starcraft 2

How should a Bronze Protoss defend probes mid game?

What is an effective counter to late-game Protoss balls in TvP?

When not to zealot rush?

How do I recover from a cannon rush as Protoss?

Does the sentry's Guardian Shield protect units from ranged attacks if the attackers are inside the shield?

Are there advantages for Protoss gateways over warp gates?

Is there any way to break a Protoss Sentry's Force Field?

How come 4 Warp Gate Rush does not dominate professional play?

What's the maximum number of Gateways you can power off 1 Pylon?

Dealing with the dreaded Terran Base Race

How does a Terran player stop a cannon rush from Protoss?

Why are shields always the last upgrade researched by the pros?

How to counter Protoss' fast expand as zerg?