New posts in starcraft-protoss

How many Terran Marines can a Protoss Zealot take on in Starcraft 2?

Does guardian shield affect brood lord attacks?

How do you protect against Zerg and marine rush as Protoss?

Can the Protoss Mothership Mass Recall Allies' units?

Playing Protoss vs Zerg should I target the hatchery or the drones?

Are Immortals useful against any Zerg unit?

As Protoss, how can I counter mass Battlecruisers in PvT? [duplicate]

Attacking while moving over enemies with Carriers?

When are Archons useful?

How to counter a proxy zealot rush on Blistering Sands

What can SCVs Repair?

What's the Zerg answer for Protoss Canons + Phoenixes?

Strategies against zerg when playing protoss

Strong Protoss Anti-Air?

What is the most effective way to use warp gates?

What are Protoss counter options to Mass Marauder?

How to deal with early stalker rush as Zerg

What's wrong with doing a carrier rush?

Psionic storms - how exactly do they work?

What happens when you lose vision of a unit lifted by a phoenix?