New posts in starcraft-protoss

What are effective ways to scout as Protoss in Starcraft II?

Protoss Counter to Infestor w/ Infested Terran

How does energy get generated as Protoss in Starcraft 2?

How should I be countering storms TvP in Starcraft 2?

Are there any websites that list common build orders?

How do I win against a Zerg on many bases as Protoss?

Do units attack hallucinated units even with a detector?

Countering MMM + Vikings as Protoss?

What's a good Protoss unit mix / strategy to bust a large Photon Cannon base defense?

Is micromanagement of early units "required" by Protoss?

How do I combat mass Void Rays as Protoss?

What zerg units counter Archons after patch 1.3.3

When should I build a Stalker as my first unit over a Zealot, and why?

Build orders: What is the timeline & how much can each base support?

Do attacks by hallucinations trigger an "our forces are under attack" message?

How to best manage Protoss Observers in StarCraft 2?

Which Zerg units beat that ball?

What is so good about Protoss Motherships?

Are shield upgrades more effective than armor upgrades?

Is there such a thing as too many probes?