New posts in special-functions

Nicer expression for the following differential operator

On the integral $\int_{(0,1)^n}\frac{\prod\sin\theta_k}{\sum\sin\theta_k}d\mu$

Integral of $x' \mapsto e^{-\frac{1}{\alpha}\|x'-x\|_p}$ over an $\ell_p$-ball around $x$ in $\mathbb R^n$

Fabius function and equivalent

A curve with arc length equal to the elliptic integral of the **first** kind. What's the area?

Derivatives of the Struve functions $H_\nu(x)$, $L_\nu(x)$ and other related functions w.r.t. their index $\nu$

Alternative ways to evaluate $\int^1_0 \frac{\text{Li}_2(x)^3}{x}\,dx$

Functions with $\mathrm s(x)^n+ \mathrm c(x)^n \equiv 1$

Integral of digamma function

Integral of Hermite polynomial multiplied by $\exp(-x^2/2)$

Incomplete hypergeometric function

A theta function around its natural boundary

Integral of product of Bessel functions of the first kind

Prove ${_2F_1}\left({{\tfrac16,\tfrac23}\atop{\tfrac56}}\middle|\,\frac{80}{81}\right)=\frac 35 \cdot 5^{1/6} \cdot 3^{2/3}$

A particular case of Truesdell's unified theory of special functions

Does $\int_0^{2 \pi} \sqrt{1-(a+b \sin\phi)^2} d\phi $ have a closed form in terms of elliptic integrals?

Why does this function start swinging up and down so weirdly

Hypergeometric formulas for the Rogers-Ramanujan identities?

An inequality from the handbook of mathematical functions (by Abramowitz and Stegun)

Ramanujan's Class Invariant $G_{625}$