New posts in sound-card

How should I decide on a default audio format? [closed]

What is the modern way to get emulated 3D on headphones in a video game (PC)?

Sound stopped working after upgrading to Linux 5.4 (Intel HD Audio)

mixing sound from multiple users' processes on linux

Hardware ID on Device Manager

PC hangs with striped screen and then three long beeps on start-up

How can I redirect sound coming in from the mic to the speakers output

Disable a linux sound card

Redirect USB audio output to the speaker | Guitar link interface

Sound Blaster Z - Dolby Digital surround sound cuts out

What are some specific audio / sound card / driver setups that still allow you to "record what you hear"?

Is it possible to toggle disabled/enabled devices from Command Line, simlar to Device Manager?

How to make Raspberry Pi use an external USB sound card as a default

I am hearing my screen

Soundcard with realtime microphone monitoring

Is there a difference between speaker and headphone jacks/ports?

Hook two computers to one speaker?

Headphone volume is way too loud in windows 10 even with an external usb sound card [duplicate]

How does a sound card determine if headphones are plugged in?

Any use for a sound card these days?