New posts in software-center

installArchives() failed: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of "package"

"E: The list of sources could not be read." while trying to update [duplicate]

How do I fix a "Previous installation hasn't been completed." error in Software Center?

Purge Clipit on Ubuntu 20.04 not working

Which port does Ubuntu Software Center use?

Recommendations from Software Center are just odd (or for default and installed apps)

The Updated Ubuntu Software Center Doesn't Work 16.04 [duplicate]

Software Centre takes an age to load

How does Software Center determine what is a "technical item" and what isn't?

How updates are handled for commercial applications?

How does the PPA fit into the scenario of publishing an application to the Ubuntu Software Center?

Ubuntu 16.04 : Gnome Ubuntu Software Doesn't Open At All [duplicate]

Why are there 2 Clementines on the Ubuntu Software Center? [duplicate]

How to remove and install new version of Easyeda in Ubuntu

Plex is not working properly in Ubuntu 15.04 and now I can't even remove it

UBUNTU's Network Connection Manger can't detect Huawei ETS2051 Modem device!

How can I report a suspected copyright or trademark infringement in a repo-hosted application?

What happens when a program gets removed from the Software-Center?

How can I install 'Revenge of the Titans'?

Why are some applications so hard to find in the Ubuntu Software Centre?