New posts in soft-question

Is there a geometric idea behind Sylow's theorems?

What is this pattern called?

Confusion about the last step of this proof of " Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic":does not subcase $2.2$ contradict the desired conclusion

Why are topological spaces interesting to study?

Why are real numbers useful?

Can math be subjective?

What is $-i$ exactly?

Axiom of Choice: Where does my argument for proving the axiom of choice fail? Help me understand why this is an axiom, and not a theorem.

Paradox: increasing sequence that goes to $0$?

How hard is the proof of $\pi$ or $e$ being transcendental?

Would a proof to the Riemann Hypothesis affect security?

Why is there never a proof that extending the reals to the complex numbers will not cause contradictions?

"Negative" versus "Minus"

The special case of Pochhammer Symbol at Zero?

"It looks straightforward, but actually it isn't"

Is it an abuse of language to say "*the* integers," "*the* rational numbers," or "*the* real numbers," etc.?

Is Complex Analysis equivalent Real Analysis with $f:\mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R^2$?

Are there mathematical concepts that exist in dimension $4$, but not in dimension $3$?

What was the book that opened your mind to the beauty of mathematics? [closed]

Applications of complex numbers to solve non-complex problems