New posts in soft-question

Books to learn physics, being a math major

Why are Boolean Algebras called "Algebras"?

How is graduate abstract algebra different from undergraduate abstract algebra?

How does linear algebra help with computer science?

What is the intuition behind short exact sequences of groups; in particular, what is the intuition behind group extensions?

Is there an example that a theorem in number theory is useful in another field in mathematics?

"Casual" mathematical facts with practical consequences

Why an initial ring is a domain?

Examples of Isomorphic Real and Complex Lie Groups

Special properties of the number $146$

How "messy" can a multivariable function be?

Where does $\pi^2$ appear spontaneously within Physical Phenomenon and Mathematics Equations?

Learning Aid for Basic Theorems of Topological Vector Spaces in Functional Analysis

How can a beginner researcher or Ph.D. student efficiently and effectively learn new concepts while staying motivated?

How do you manage your "pedanticism"?

A wild knot and its complement

Generic elementary group theory problems.

Combinatorics looks incomprehensible, is it that I lack "mathematical maturity" and what should I do?

How to Garner Mathematical Intuition

Grad school & success in the long run