New posts in smartcontracts

How to convert the value in big number in solidity using truffle framework?

How to use if statement when function returns 2 arguments?

Blockchain Technology to enable autonomous interactions between the entities

× Error: Alchemy URL protocol must be one of http, https, ws, or wss. Recieved: undefined React.js

Solidity accessing private variable

Can't transfer ETH from swap smart contract to user

How to send contract using web3gl to smart contract

Send ERC20 token with web3

Solidity v0.6.0. Fallback functions. What are they needed for?

In Ethereum Solidity, what is the purpose of the "memory" keyword?

How to restrict NFT minting using the dApp only

How to save hidden data in the blockchain? Mapping? [duplicate]

What is the difference between an internal/external and public/private function in solidity?

How Can a Owner Add a Function to Already Deployed Smart Contract

Questions about Solidity call function

I want to perform Multiplication and Division of two 128 bit unsigned integers in a system that doesn't contain floats

What is an appropriate type for smart contracts?

How can I import AggregatorV3Interface

Solidity - Contract not working as expected

What are Solidity Events