New posts in solidity

How to convert the value in big number in solidity using truffle framework?

Can you develop an independent, secure oracle for your dApp?

Problem with loading "ES module" when importing in node js [duplicate]

Cannot set the values of struct variable in solidity

How to correctly import SafeMath.sol into contract

How to use if statement when function returns 2 arguments?

brownie:ValueError: execution reverted: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert

What is address(0) in Solidity

Dynamic array in Solidity

Solidity importing problem on VSCode (WSL2) and Brownie

Minting erc721 but paying with erc20 token instead of ether

VS Code 2 errors: 1st is "Import 'solcx' could not be resolved." 2nd issue is given in terminal as "INFO: Could not find files for the given patterns

Internal JSON-RPC error with MetaMask on Polygon Blockchain. `ERC721: transfer caller is not owner nor approved.`

Solidity accessing private variable

Can't transfer ETH from swap smart contract to user

How DeBots recognize a value for external message

Invalid asm.js: Invalid member of stdlib

Is it bad practice to store variables to make cleaner code?

Guarantee a contract can only receive one type of ERC721 nft

Solidity adding item to nested array in struct