It's been a while since I did any solidity coding, but this one is easy.

I believe your contract is working fine.

BN { negative: 0, words: [ 3, <1 empty item> ], length: 1, red: null }

BN is "big number". Since a 256 bit uint doesn't work with a javascript "number" (floating point) type, the result is encoded in a BN data structure. (i.e. your random number is embedded in the words member of your returned object. (I think it's a literal 3 if I read that output right).

In your local javascript that tests your Solidity contract, just invoke toString on the BN object that is returned.

Even though you did not share your javacript code, I can tell that it is because you are not awaiting.

Calling contract code is asynchronous and you either call it with async.await or with then/catch

//in truffle console:

   randomContract=await RandomNumber.deployed()
   randomNumber=await randomContract.generateRandomNumber(rangeInteger)
   // this should print