New posts in sh

Why do I sometimes get 'sh: $'\302\211 ... ': command not found' in xterm/sh?

What's a .sh file?

What does ${0%/*} in shell scripts do?

Cron jobs and random times, within given hours

How does Ctrl-C terminate a child process?

Get specific line from text file using just shell script

How is install -c different from cp

How to change default shell in FreeBSD?

What does it mean in shell when we put a command inside dollar sign and parentheses: $(command)

Looks like cron spawns a shell which in turn spawns a script; how can I get rid of the intermediate shell?

Remove redundant paths from $PATH variable

How can I extract the first two characters of a string in shell scripting?

Shell script: Run function from script over ssh

Count occurrences of a char in a string using Bash

What is the difference between grep apple file and grep "apple" file?

Deleting lines from one file which are in another file

Multiline syntax for piping a heredoc; is this portable?

Sending FreeBSD script output by email loses format (left aligned and right aligned in one line)

cronjob does not execute a script that works fine standalone

What does the line "#!/bin/sh" mean in a UNIX shell script?