Deleting lines from one file which are in another file

I have a file f1:


I want to delete all the lines which are in another file f2:


I tried something with cat and sed, which wasn't even close to what I intended. How can I do this?

Solution 1:

grep -v -x -f f2 f1 should do the trick.


  • -v to select non-matching lines
  • -x to match whole lines only
  • -f f2 to get patterns from f2

One can instead use grep -F or fgrep to match fixed strings from f2 rather than patterns (in case you want remove the lines in a "what you see if what you get" manner rather than treating the lines in f2 as regex patterns).

Solution 2:

Try comm instead (assuming f1 and f2 are "already sorted")

comm -2 -3 f1 f2

Solution 3:

For exclude files that aren't too huge, you can use AWK's associative arrays.

awk 'NR == FNR { list[tolower($0)]=1; next } { if (! list[tolower($0)]) print }' exclude-these.txt from-this.txt 

The output will be in the same order as the "from-this.txt" file. The tolower() function makes it case-insensitive, if you need that.

The algorithmic complexity will probably be O(n) (exclude-these.txt size) + O(n) (from-this.txt size)

Solution 4:

Similar to Dennis Williamson's answer (mostly syntactic changes, e.g. setting the file number explicitly instead of the NR == FNR trick):

awk '{if (f==1) { r[$0] } else if (! ($0 in r)) { print $0 } } ' f=1 exclude-these.txt f=2 from-this.txt

Accessing r[$0] creates the entry for that line, no need to set a value.

Assuming awk uses a hash table with constant lookup and (on average) constant update time, the time complexity of this will be O(n + m), where n and m are the lengths of the files. In my case, n was ~25 million and m ~14000. The awk solution was much faster than sort, and I also preferred keeping the original order.