New posts in settings

2015 MBP - how to force integrated graphics?

iBooks are not synchronized via iCloud between my Apple devices

Syncing OSX settings and preferences to iCloud

Find out app identifier (usually a reverse DNS string) for "defaults" command

How to make custom refresh rate stay saved?

What's the best setting of iPad for senior grandma?

Django: ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty

iCloud missing in settings iOS 10.3

How to mass remove known Wi-Fi Preferred Networks in OS X?

iOS - set a specific wifi connection as a portable hotspot

Saving monitor settings?

Remove Window Drop Shadow and Replace with Outline

Settings window doesn't show up on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

How do you keep user.config settings across different assembly versions in .net?

Can't hit breakpoint in program.main Blazor Client wasm

The text size on Ubuntu is very small and I cannot see how to change it

Finder stopped opening a new window when I click the Dock icon

Query a parameter (postgresql.conf setting) like "max_connections"

How to disable swipe navigation on Edge for Mac

Disabling Voice Control, or at least muting it (iOS 10)