New posts in services

How to restart openvpn service (or any service) running under "nobody" user?

Ubuntu Server 18.04.5 upgrade to 20.04 fails

Installed 15.04, cannot restart ssh daemon [duplicate]

How to recover deleted Windows 10 service executable

Remove item from Context Menu

How do you restart a juju service?

ThinkPad Windows 7 laptop is often slow but only when plugged into AC power

How to Restart Windows Update Service in Windows 7?

How do I disable unnecessary services without uninstalling them in Ubuntu 15.10?

Which windows XP services can I disable without major consequence? [duplicate]

Running upstart script on 17.04?

Using Automator to call a Service

How do I invoke a service using Applescript?

How to disable OneSyncSvc_c523d on Win10?

Ubuntu equivalent of CentOS success / failure

Apparmor initialization failed in ubuntu 17.10

Warning default start runlevel arguments do not match Default-Start values

(16.04) How can I permanently disable apport?

Why the "service --status-all | grep mysql" get many unrelated result?

Can't assign keyboard shortcut to service