New posts in services

Keep systemd service file the same after apt upgrade [duplicate]

Why does $ service --status-all output to STDERR instead of STDOUT?

Can't start an application as service, but running as standalone process simply works

How to start / stop Dropbox at a specific time

How can I query the Log on as user of a Windows service using the command line?

Why is sssd an unrecognized service, even though it is installed and can be restarted?

What starts accounts-daemon?

status: Unable to connect to Upstart:

Passing selected folder path to custom Service executing AppleScript

How to give a non-sudoer permission to apt-get? [duplicate]

How to install True Image on Windows XP?

Why won't my AppleScript run as a Service?

Ever heard of a Windows service called 'darkness'?

How do I choose which way to enable/disable, start/stop, or check the status of a service?

Can't find my Automator service action in the Keyboard Shortcuts list

Need free service that stores files and provides legal proof of date of upload

Is there a way to enable "Services" menu for an application?

Samba started twice on boot up after upgrade to 14.04

Custom keyboard shortcut not executing service

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client 3.1.03103. The VPN Agent service is not responding