New posts in separation-axioms

Examples for subspace of a normal space which is not normal

How big can a separable Hausdorff space be?

Do Hausdorff spaces that aren't completely regular appear in practice?

Prove that a separable metric space is Lindelöf without proving it is second-countable

The product of Hausdorff spaces is Hausdorff

Construction of a Hausdorff space from a topological space

Quotient Space of Hausdorff space

Image of a normal space under a closed and continuous map is normal

Every infinite Hausdorff space has an infinite discrete subspace

How to show that topological groups are automatically Hausdorff?

Is the closure of a Hausdorff space, Hausdorff?

Mrówka spaces are first-countable

A continuous bijection from a compact space to a $T_2$ space is always a homeomorphism

When is $C_0(X)$ separable?

Is there a simple method to prove that the square of the Sorgenfrey line is not normal?

How many compact Hausdorff spaces are there of a given cardinality?

Question about quotient of a compact Hausdorff space

If every continuous $f:X\to X$ has $\text{Fix}(f)\subseteq X$ closed, must $X$ be Hausdorff?

Does $T_3$ imply that the topological space is zero-dimensional?

Topology, Hausdorff and Fréchet space