New posts in second-countable

Every locally compact, second countable Hausdorff space has a countable basis of open sets with compact closure

Lindelöf and second countable spaces

Compact metric spaces is second countable and axiom of countable choice

Are countable topological spaces second-countable?

Compact topological space not having Countable Basis?

Equivalence of three properties of a metric space.

Separable implies second countable

Second Countable, First Countable, and Separable Spaces

If X is second-countable, then X is Lindelöf.

Does proving (second countable) $\Rightarrow$ (Lindelöf) require the axiom of choice?

Show that the Sorgenfrey line does not have a countable basis.

A metric space is separable iff it is second countable [closed]

Constraining a dense sequence on a product space, one factor at a time

cardinality of the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of a second countable space

Show that every compact metrizable space has a countable basis

Second-countable implies separable/Axiom countable choice

Hausdorff locally compact and second countable is $\sigma$-compact

Topology counterexamples without ordinals

When is $C_0(X)$ separable?

On showing that every separable metric space has a countable base