New posts in scala

Why is appending to a list bad?

Extending scala case class without constantly duplicating constructors vals?

Scala: Boolean to Option

Why does IntelliJ IDEA compile Scala so slowly? [closed]

What are the problems with an ADT encoding that associates types with data constructors? (Such as Scala.)

Can't push to the heroku

Purpose of Scala's Symbol? [duplicate]

Scala: pass Seq to var-args functions

How to use COGROUP for large datasets

How to extend a Scala list to enable slicing not by explicit position but by given predicate/condition

Scala type keyword: how best to use it across multiple classes

What's the difference between Unit and Nothing?

Enforcing Java version for Scala project in sbt?

Scala: “any” and “all” functions

Scala double definition (2 methods have the same type erasure)

Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate]

By-name parameter vs anonymous function

Recursively iterate through a Scala list

Setting up scala with IntelliJ

Type mismatch on abstract type used in pattern matching