Read this doc which will explain to you what to do.

Setting a buildpack on an application

You can change the buildpack used by an application by setting the buildpack value.
When the application is next pushed, the new buildpack will be used.

$ heroku buildpacks:set heroku/php

Buildpack set. Next release on random-app-1234 will use heroku/php.
Run git push heroku master to create a new release using this buildpack.

This is whay its not working for you since you did not set it up.

... When the application is next pushed, the new buildpack will be used.

You may also specify a buildpack during app creation:

$ heroku create myapp --buildpack heroku/python

There has to be a .git directory in the root of your project.

If you don't see that directory run git init and then re-associate your remote.

Like so:

heroku git:remote -a herokuAppName
git push heroku master

If you are a python user -
Create a requirements.txt file preferably using pip freeze > requirements.txt.
Add, commit and try pushing it again.

If this doesn't work try deleting .git (beware this might remove the associated git history) and follow the above steps again.

Worked for me.