New posts in scala

Why are singleton objects more object-oriented?

What's recommended .gitignore for Scala/sbt project in IntelliJ IDEA?

How the get the classOf for a scala object type

What are all the instances of syntactic sugar in Scala?

Scala application structure

How does curly braces following trait instantiation work?

Difference between fold and foldLeft or foldRight?

Canonical way for empty Array in Scala?

Is gzip format supported in Spark?

Play 2.4: Form: could not find implicit value for parameter messages: play.api.i18n.Messages

Apache Spark logging within Scala

What's the current state of static analysis tools for Scala?

Akka - How many instances of an actor should you create?

Decomposing tuples in function arguments

How are Scala traits compiled into Java bytecode?

Accessing value returned by scala futures

What is monoid homomorphism exactly?

What are the differences between final class and sealed class in Scala?

How do you remove the _<scala-version> postfix from artifacts built+published with simple-build-tool?

What is the idiomatic scala way of finding, if a given string contains a given substring?