Accessing value returned by scala futures

The case of Success(listInt) => I want to return the listInt and I am not able to figure out how to do that.

The best practice is that you don't return the value. Instead you just pass the future (or a version transformed with map, flatMap, etc.) to everyone who needs this value and they can add their own onComplete.

If you really need to return it (e.g. when implementing a legacy method), then the only thing you can do is to block (e.g. with Await.result) and you need to decide how long to await.

You need to wait for the future to complete to get the result given some timespan, here's something that would work:

  import scala.concurrent.duration._

  def downloadPage(url: URL) = Future[List[Int]] {

  val result = downloadPage("localhost")

  val myListInt = result.result(10 seconds)

Ideally, if you're using a Future, you don't want to block the executing thread, so you would move your logic that deals with the result of your Future into the onComplete method, something like this:

    case Success(listInt) => {
      //Do something with my list
    case Failure(exception) => {
      //Do something with my error

I hope you already solved this since it was asked in 2013 but maybe my answer can help someone else:

If you are using Play Framework, it support async Actions (actually all Actions are async inside). An easy way to create an async Action is using Action.async(). You need to provide a Future[Result]to this function.

Now you can just make transformations from your Future[List[Int]] to Future[Result] using Scala's map, flatMap, for-comprehension or async/await. Here an example from Play Framework documentation.

import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

def index = Action.async {
  val futureInt = scala.concurrent.Future { intensiveComputation() } => Ok("Got result: " + i))

You can do something like that. If The wait time that is given in Await.result method is less than it takes the awaitable to execute, you will have a TimeoutException, and you need to handle the error (or any other error).

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object MyObject {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {

        val myVal: Future[String] = Future { silly() }

        // values less than 5 seconds will go to 
        // Failure case, because silly() will not be done yet
        Try(Await.result(myVal, 10 seconds)) match {
            case Success(extractedVal) => { println("Success Happened: " + extractedVal) }
            case Failure(_) => { println("Failure Happened") }
            case _ => { println("Very Strange") }

    def silly(): String = {
        "Hello from silly"