New posts in access-modifiers

Public, Private - Upper Case, Lower Case:

Why elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared?

Why can't my subclass access a protected variable of its superclass, when it's in a different package?

Internal abstract class: how to hide usage outside assembly?

How to show access modifiers for classes in IntelliJ IDEA?

Concept of Private class in C#

Protected access modifier in Java

Making functions accessible from other classes in same project but not in another Project

Do constructors always have to be public? [duplicate]

Why should constructors on abstract classes be protected, not public?

Modifier Keyword order in Java

What does 'fileprivate' keyword means in Swift? [duplicate]

Difference between Private Sub, Function and Class

What are the differences between final class and sealed class in Scala?

Public and Internal members in an Internal class?

What is the use case for the (C# 7.2) "private protected" modifier?

Why can't I have protected interface members?

Class variables: public access read-only, but private access read/write

Static block in Java not executed

Are private methods really safe?