New posts in scala

Encode an ADT / sealed trait hierarchy into Spark DataSet column

IntelliJ Idea 12 + Android + Scala nowadays

How can I use a Scala singleton object in Java?

Why does Spark fail with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded?

Operate on neighbor elements in RDD in Spark

Why is it possible to declare variable with same name in the REPL?

How do I resolve "WILL_NOT_PERFORM" MS AD reply when trying to change password in scala w/ the unboundid LDAP SDK?

Immutable Scala Map implementation that preserves insertion order [duplicate]

Cake pattern with overriding abstract type don't work with Upper Type Bounds

In Scala, difference between final val and val [duplicate]

Functional Reactive Programming in Scala [closed]

Scala recover or recoverWith

Is this the proper way to initialize null references in Scala?

Is Future in Scala a monad?

Difference in message-passing model of Akka and Vert.x

What's the difference between raw string interpolation and triple quotes in scala

Scala: Why does Seq.contains take an Any argument, instead of an argument of the sequence type?

What does the term "reason about" mean in computer science?

scala annotation argument needs to be constant but final val does not make it

Is there a brief syntax for executing a block n times in Scala?