New posts in scala

Summing values in a List

Unit testing Scala

scala, guidelines on return type - when prefer seq, iterable, traversable

How to read a text file with mixed encodings in Scala or Java?

Play: How to implement action composition

What are views for collections and when would you want to use them?

Using varargs from Scala

Spark DataFrames when udf functions do not accept large enough input variables

How can I construct and parse a JSON string in Scala / Lift

Is there a way to use "type" word as a variable name in Scala?

for expressions versus foreach in Scala

Scala: How do I dynamically instantiate an object and invoke a method using reflection?

How to set a String in a Option[String]?

How to pattern match into an uppercase variable?

Disadvantages of Scala type system versus Haskell?

Chart of IEnumerable LINQ equivalents in Scala? [duplicate]

How to have Eclipse recognize dependencies from SBT

Karate Gatling error -Failed to execute goal io.gatling:gatling-maven-plugin:3.0.2:test (default-cli) on project Performance: No simulations to run [duplicate]

Hidden performance cost in Scala?

Is Scala idiomatic coding style just a cool trap for writing inefficient code?