New posts in ruby-on-rails

Rails 4, Capistrano 3.0.0, cannot load such file -- deploy

How to import a Heroku PG dump into local machine

Rails 3.1 Assets - Strange Serving in Development

Sidekiq Error connecting to Redis on (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) on docker-compose

ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension - Error installing mysql2

How do you undo bundle install --without

Can you Distribute a Ruby on Rails Application without Source?

bootstrap icon in a submit_tag rails form

How to search an array in Ruby?

Active Admin: Customize only new form

Dynamic error pages in Rails 3

How do you skip failed migrations? (rake db:migrate)

Force strings to UTF-8 from any encoding

Sprockets is not picking up app/assets/builds folder Rails 7

Is it possible to use custom script for authentication with PAM?

Install rails on Mac OS X

Rails.cache error in Rails 3.1 - TypeError: can't dump hash with default proc

How do I display Ruby on Rails form validation error messages one at a time?

POSTing raw JSON data with Rails 3.2.11 and RSpec

Rails: Easy way to add more than one flash[:notice] at a time