New posts in religion

Word for religious supernatural?

What is the most appropriate word to describe the phenomenon of many church bells ringing concurrently?

What do you call an "atheist" who might believe in an afterlife?

English greeting with religious connotation

The spiritual usage of the word "revelation" [closed]

Religious names in index. How do you order and present? [closed]

Word for the religious equivalent of 'demonym'

deity / divinity / god

A word for non-Christian equivalent of "chapel"? [closed]

Word for collection of religion's essential writings

The etymology of "religion" comes from "legere" meaning to read + "re" meaning again. Or does it? (more inside) [closed]

Secular phrase of "bless you" (after someone sneezes)? [duplicate]

Why are religious texts ("The" Bible, "The" Torah, "The" Qu'ran) preceded by "The"?

"At the first" in the Bible

Capitalising the first letter of a reference to God?

How can you say “rule by gods” without a church involved? [duplicate]

What do you call one who believes in a higher power but doesn't call it "God"? [closed]

Should I use [sic] when quoting the KJV 1611?

What is the style of writing used in the Summa Theologica called?

Is there an expression that sums up "improperly conflating two ideas that are really separate issues"? [closed]