New posts in recreational-mathematics

Are there infinitely many primes of form $\underbrace{3\dots3}_n{}1$?

Mathematics Behind the 4×4 and 5×5 Rubik's Cube

What would be a good outdoor maths puzzle for children?

A problem with 26 distinct positive integers

Numbers such that they equal the product of their own digits

A tiling puzzle/question

Evaluating $\int_{0}^{\infty} \left[\left(\frac{2015}{2015+x}+\cdots +\frac{2}{2+x}+\frac{1}{1+x}-x\right)^{2016}+1 \right] ^{-1}\mathrm{d}x$

Useless math that became useful

(New Solution needed) Explicit series expansion for inverse of $e^{-x}\left(\frac{x^2}2+x+1\right)$

What is an "interesting integer" and are there uninteresting integers?

Can the sum of two distinct factorizations of a number be equal?

Cover Chessboard with Domino Tiles

How to make a function "bounce" from two horizontal lines?

Small Representations of $2016$

any pattern here ? (revised 2)

"$n$-Yahtzee" question

Gambling puzzle

A congruence in the number of certain ternary strings

What do I study to find another description of this subset of the rationals?

What's the probability that a sum of dice is prime?