New posts in rationality-testing

Irrationality of sum of two logarithms: $\log_2 5 +\log_3 5$

Why $\sqrt[3]{{2 + \sqrt 5 }} + \sqrt[3]{{2 - \sqrt 5 }}$ is a rational number? [duplicate]

What is the most rigorous proof of the irrationality of the square root of 3?

Critiques on proof showing $\sqrt{12}$ is irrational.

Why do irrationality proofs of $\sqrt x$ not apply when $x$ is a perfect square?

Homework 8th grader: $\pi^2$ is irrational

The square root of a prime number is irrational [duplicate]

Prove that the square root of 3 is irrational [duplicate]

What rational numbers have rational square roots?

Is $n^{th}$ root of $2$ an irrational number? [duplicate]

Can both $x$ and $\sin(x)$ be rational at the same time?

How to prove that $\sqrt[3] 2 + \sqrt[3] 4$ is irrational? [duplicate]

How to prove that $\sqrt 3$ is an irrational number? [duplicate]

Can a pre-calculus student prove this?

Is $\ln(\ln(n))$ irrational for any integer $n>1$?

Test of being a rational number for $(1-\frac13+\frac15-\frac17+\cdots)/(1+\frac14+\frac19+\frac1{16}+\cdots)$

Proving $\sqrt 3$ is irrational. [duplicate]

Prove that $\sqrt 2 + \sqrt 3$ is irrational [duplicate]

Proving the irrationality of $e^n$

Deciding whether $2^{\sqrt2}$ is irrational/transcendental [duplicate]