New posts in random-walk

Expected number of steps for reaching $K$ in a random walk

Let $S_n$ be a Simple Random Walk. What is $E[S_m|S_n]$ if $m < n$?

Let $S_n$ be a simple symmetric random walk. Show that $P(S_1S_2...S_{2n} \neq 0) = P(S_{2n} = 0)$

Distribution of stopping time for biased random walk using martingales.

Executing multiple self-avoiding walks, recursively

height of domino tower

Number of steps the path-avoiding snail must take before a step size of $(2n - 1)/2^k$?

2D Random Walk Hitting Time

Random walk $< 0$

Symmetric random walk with bounds

Probability of two people meeting in a given square grid.

Probability on entering direction of a simple random walk

Asymmetric random walk with unequal step size other than 1.

Average swaps needed for a random bubble sort algorithm

Random walk: police catching the thief

Probability of a biased random walk hitting an absorbing barrier in some number of steps

A prime number random walk

What is the probability that a random walk on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ will hit $(1,0)$ before $(2,0)$?

A random walk on a finite square with prime numbers

Random Walk Without Repetitions