Will we walk arbitrarily far off the y-axis?

Yes, because there are arbitrarily long gaps between consecutive primes.

For every gap $n\in\mathbb{N}$, there is a sequence of $n-1$ consecutive numbers, none of which is prime:


In other words, there is no finite bound on the gap between two consecutive primes.

Hence there is no limit as to how far off the y-axis your illustration goes...

Some more graphs:

Up to $n=100000 = 10^5$:
enter image description here

Up to $n=1000000 = 10^6$:
enter image description here

Up to $n=10000000 = 10^7$:
enter image description here

Up to $n=100000000 = 10^8$:
enter image description here

And finally, up to $n=1000000000 = 10^9$:
enter image description here