New posts in rails-activerecord

Rails migrations: self.up and self.down versus change

Changing a column type to longer strings in rails

Clean way to find ActiveRecord objects by id in the order specified

ActiveRecord where field = ? array of possible values

Deprecation warning when using has_many :through :uniq in Rails 4

Rails: Access to current_user from within a model in Ruby on Rails

How can I overwrite a getter method in an ActiveRecord model?

New data not persisting to Rails array column on Postgres

Rails 5: ActiveRecord OR query

ActiveRecord OR query Hash notation

How to get record created today by rails activerecord?

What is the difference between pluck and collect in Rails?

ActiveRecord validate url if it is present

scopes with lambda and arguments in Rails 4 style?

find vs find_by vs where

How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?

Connecting Rails 3.1 with Multiple Databases

How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

Rails 3 datatypes?

Rails: validate uniqueness of two columns (together)