New posts in quotient-spaces

Looking For a Neat Proof of the Fact that the Grassmannian Manifold is Hausdorff

Can the fundamental group detect all ways to not have a section?

When is a quotient by closed equivalence relation Hausdorff

Hitchin's definition of tangent space and tangent vectors

Proof of the universal property of the quotient topology

How to prove $D^n/S^{n-1}\cong S^n$?

Is Whyburn's theorem on irreducible maps optimal?

The $n$-disk $D^n$ quotiented by its boundary $S^{n-1}$ gives $S^n$

About direct sum of abelian groups and quotient

When is a space homeomorphic to a quotient space?

Understanding / learning how to work with quotient spaces

Generalize exterior algebra: vectors are nilcube instead of nilsquare

Is $\mathbb{R}/\mathord{\sim}$ a Hausdorff space if $\{(x,y)\!:x\sim y\}$ is a closed subset of $\mathbb{R}\times\mathbb{R}$?

Fundamental group of $\mathbb{R^\times}/\sim$

universal property in quotient topology

Example of quotient mapping that is not open

Quotient Space of Hausdorff space

Why is $\mathbb{R}/{\sim}$ not first countable at $[0]$, where $x \sim y \Leftrightarrow x = y\text{ or }x,y \in \mathbb{Z}$?

How does the quotient $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ become the circle $S^1$?

Topological "Freshman's Dream"