New posts in python-unittest

What is unittest in selenium Python?

How do I make coverage include not tested files?

Recursive unittest discover

Python Unit Testing: Automatically Running the Debugger when a test fails

Persist variable changes between tests in unittest?

A way to output pyunit test name in setup()

How to pass testCase value to next one with Pytest

Python unit test that nothing was executed

ResourceWarning unclosed socket in Python 3 Unit Test

How can I simulate input to stdin for pyunit?

Python mock call_args_list unpacking tuples for assertion on arguments

Python: Write unittest for console print

Import error running unittest in Python3

How can I write unit tests against code that uses matplotlib?

python unittest: mocking a dict-like object

Selenium: I want to choose which browser to use with invocation in Command Prompt

How to assert that an iterable is not empty on Unittest?

Python unittest: how to run only part of a test file?

patching a class yields "AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute" when accessing instance attributes

How to test Python 3.4 asyncio code?