New posts in pull-request

What do you do with your branch after a pull request on GitHub?

Automatically closing issue from pull request in GitHub

Is it possible to create merge requests in pure Git from the command line?

Squash to only one "proper" commit for github pull request

Pull Request, ignore some file changes

Create a GitHub webhook for when a pull request is accepted & merged to master

What is github 'compare & pull request'

How do I push to a pull request on github?

how to make pull requests *without* a github account?

Are pull requests part of Git, or a feature of tools like GitHub, Gerrit and Atlassian Stash?

Git Remove unwanted commits from a Pull Request

How do I merge a pull request on someone else's project in git?

How to submit pull request via CLI to Bitbucket?

How to send pull request on Git

Push fails in GitKraken with errormessage "Push Failed cannot read property 'fullName' of undefined"

Bitbucket: Send a pull request via command line?

How can I filter all GitHub pull requests for a specific target branch

Adding Tags to a Pull Request

Pull-Request for only certain files/commits

Using RStudio to Make Pull Requests in Git